Thank you to all delegates and presenters for attending and taking part in our Open Day held at Knowsley Hall on November 15th, 2018. Please find below a link to each of the presentations which are now available for download and sharing.
General Introduction & Technology Update
Duncan Baxter, Director, Destin Solutions
Creating a register of liability orders
Steve Nicholson, Project Director, Registry Trust
Creating a register of liability orders
Lisa Black, Director of Operations, Nottingham Revenue & Benefits Ltd
Tackling Insolvency and Fraud
Hemal Mistry, Director, Horsfields Insolvency Practitioners
CUSTOMER INSIGHT SESSION 1: Using HUB to tackle over 1/2 million worth of suspected SBRR Fraud
Zoe Kent, Revenues and Benefits Manager, Swale Borough Council
CUSTOMER INSIGHT SESSION 2: Using data from HUB as an active part of your fraud investigations
Andrew Taylor, Fraud Manager, Preston Council