Enlight Council Tax
Online Procedural Manual for Council Tax
The billing and collection of council tax can be demanding for any Local Authority with Council Tax Officers expected to be well versed in offering advice and guidance on all aspects of Council Tax liability, discounts and exemptions as well as the legalities around recovery and enforcement.
With the Enlight Council Tax online procedural manual and electronic guide, life can be made easier by consolidating all the information your Recovery Officers, Customer Support Assistants, Compliance Officers and Council Tax Processors need and use on a daily basis, in one place. The manual can be tailored to their unique requirements providing data related to local taxation legislation, guidelines on issuing reminders, final notices and summonses, policies and protocols for handling recovery and much more.
Ultimately it’s your responsibility to ensure that each chargeable dwelling has an appropriate account associated with it and it is being billed correctly with the appropriate funds received. The Enlight Council Tax procedural manual helps make this process as seamless as possible, providing staff with the latest regulatory and policy guidelines as well as standard letters, forms and procedures which support the daily activities necessary for the efficient collection of Council Tax.
Key Benefits
- Provide Council Tax staff with the latest guidance on liabilities, exemptions and discounts at the touch of a button
- Save unnecessary time spent searching for documentation
- Manuals are automatically updated with the latest Council legislation reducing reliance on your own resource to fulfil this task
- Reduce the Council Tax team training costs associated with knowledge transfer and mentoring new staff
- Foster a culture of continuous improvement by publishing weekly bulletins on Enlight of recovery and collections performance
- Give Council Tax staff more confidence in the accuracy of the data you hold and reduce the amount of internal requests for information
- Promote a culture of self-learning by encouraging staff to seek answers from Enlight, not just colleagues
Key Features
- New data and information is easily uploaded on to Enlight and secure access can be given to appointed staff
- Manuals are hosted in a secure web area and the portal can be branded to suit your requirements
- Navigation is quick and easy using familiar headings, content, indexes, glossaries, drill down and hyperlink functionality and with an intuitive search functionality
- In collaboration with Destin you can design the layout of your manual so that it is intuitive and unique to your teams requirements
- Enlight is available and can be customised in the following areas; Benefits, Council Tax, NNDR
Contact Us
Having the Destin manual has enabled all procedures to be accessible in one place, making reviewing and updating individual documents easier.
Watch a short video about Enlight