Our VISION management reporting tool is now in place at Tameside MBC.
Lucy Catherall, Exchequer Team Manager at Tameside Metropolitan Borough explains more:
We knew that our core Revenues and Benefits systems contained a wealth of data about our service and our residents and extracting that data in a timely, cost-effective and convenient way was often difficult.
We have found the solution to this problem in Destin Solutions management reporting tool VISION.
Working closely with Destin Solutions, we identified our reporting requirements, and Destin Solutions have created over 50 bespoke reports based on our requirements.
We can access these reports at the touch of a button, and drill down from high-level reports to account level when necessary. Data is extracted from our core systems nightly into VISION and therefore reports are always up to date.
VISION will enable us to operate more efficiently and effectively, and this is particularly important at a time of reducing operational budgets.’