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HUB SBRR fraud detection tool now validates rates relief applications

It was nearly 5 years ago that we first launched HUB our small business rates relief (SBRR) fraud detection solution. In that time over 100 Local Authorities have signed up to use the solution. It works by consolidating all business rates information published by English Local Authorities and using clever data matching algorithms, identifies properties not entitled to the SBBR as they have a secondary property elsewhere.

New API release
The HUB solution has been continually developed during this time to adapt to new market circumstances and we are delighted to announce the release of an API that now validates Small Business Rate Relief applications as they come in. This will enable Local Authorities or system providers operating on their behalf the ability to plug their existing online forms into Destin’s national ratepayer database to instantly validate if a ratepayer is trading elsewhere in England. This service is available free of charge to all existing HUB customers.

Changes in ownership
In addition HUB now provides Local Authorities with ownership details of Non-Domestic properties along with notifications on when that ownership changes. This enhancement enables Authorities to ensure that the empty property rates are correctly levied against owners, reducing administration and resourcing requirements in this area.

Alistair Townsend, Business Consultant and past IRRV President comments “Destin’s HUB solution has provided significant benefits to many Authorities already by reducing fraud and error in this important area. Being able to validate applications as they come in, will now also improve the speed of processing, which is a positive enhancement. It is always great to see suppliers continually improving the products they deliver to Councils at no extra cost; it is the sign of a collaborative partnership approach.”

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