For Managing Budgets and Forecasting

Dynamic Reporting Tool

For those of you holding a senior financial role within a Local Authority we appreciate the challenges you face in balancing the council budget. You need access to the right data quickly and accurately so you know your income and debt positions at any point in time. More than that, you need to be able to understand the percentage of debt recoverable and what should be written off so that you can forecast future income more effectively and forward plan.

This doesn’t have to be a complex and painstaking process as all of this data is readily available and easy to view with the right technology in place.

VISION is a dynamic reporting, dashboard and analytics tool that provides you with unprecedented access to your data; it provides a view of your information that you are unlikely to have seen before. Taking extracts from your large business systems including Revenues, Benefits, Housing, Sundry Debtors and Parking, VISION provides you with the detailed information you need to create new approaches to the way you reduce waste, forecast more efficiently and drive revenue in your authority.

Key Benefits

  • Understand your income and debt positions at any point in time
  • Gain easy access to accurate, current data to develop policies e.g. relating to vulnerable groups or for budgeting purposes for collection or write-offs
  • Quickly identify uncollectable debt, write-offs and any related patterns
  • Improve financial performance and make better decisions based on access to accurate data held in one place and pooled from numerous, disparate systems
  • Forecast performance based on precise previous year and year to date data
  • Complete government returns accurately with less resource
  • Easily and quickly provide information to other departments and partners

Key Features

VISION allows you to see what works, what doesn’t and how you are performing

  • Ability to undertake trend analysis of workloads, transactions and payments
  • Data is presented using digital dashboards
  • High level summary views provide management information at a glance
  • Drill right down to the specific areas/ postcodes / stages / debtors / records
  • Reports are created automatically for you and can be exported seamlessly to Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, Word and Mailmerge or as a CSV file for uploading into your business application or workflow system
  • No user manual is required, notes or guidance on interpretation are displayed on the screen
  • Training requirements are minimal – you will be up and running in minutes

Contact Us

VISION is a very good tool for data provision, data analysis and data matching.


Watch a short video about Vision